
Monday, April 16, 2012

Sudsy Savings

I recently decided I was going to start making my own powder laundry detergent. I know a lot of people, including myself, are very skeptical about it but with our family favorite laundry detergent pushing $20 a box for the small size I decided it was worth a shot. I like the fact this is way more environmentally friendly too, but lets face it...I like the price tag. So, I researched it online. I watched about 100 videos. Then, decided on what recipe would be right for me and my family. The one I chose was a powder detergent and adds Oxiclean. I like this the most because we have well water and I hope this will help our cloths from yellowing and the powder is much faster to make then the liquid . The total price for one batch is between $3 and $4. So far I have done about ten loads and it really is working just as well as the big brand we used before. Also, yes it does work in high efficiency washers (that is what we have).

So here is the recipe for one batch:

1bar of Fels-Naptha or Zote bar soap.

1 cup of 20 Mule Team Borax

1 cup of Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda (NOT BAKING SODA)

1 cup of Oxiclean

You will also need:

1 large metal bowl

1 grater

1 cup measuring cup

1 tablespoon measuring spoon

a blender

an air tight container

All of these things can be found in the laundry aisle of most big stores. I found it all at Wal-Mart. Target only had the Borax. Make sure the grater is only used for grating soap. If you use it for food after you grate the soap your food will most likely taste funny.

Lets get started:

Step 1 Grate the bar soap into a large bowl.

Step 2 add the other ingredients and stir together.

Step 3 add the mixture one cup at a time to the blender and pulse until it is a fine powder. Then dump in a air tight container. Repeat until it is all blended.

Your done. It takes about 5 minutes, maybe 10 if your 2 and 4 year old insist on helping.

I shake mine before each use just to make sure none of it settled. Use 1 tablespoon for a smaller to regular load and 2 tablespoons for larger or heavily soiled loads. This will not suds a lot because it has no agent in it to create suds, but remember suds don't clean the soap does. I think it really is worth trying. Good luck!

Happy Saving,



  1. FYI:Tthis may become a birthday/christmas gift for my family and friends.

  2. I can't wait to move, get a washer and dryer and try this. Did you use a seperate blender too?

  3. I did not go buy another blender just for this. My hope is I can wash it well enough. We have a food processor and a hand blender and we use those for food. I have not used my blender in a few years. We will see how it all works out.

  4. Lynden, you mentioned that some detergents make Thomas itchy. You can buy Free and Clear Oxiclean to add to your mix. It is the same price as the regular. I use the Free and Clear all the time because of Evelyn's eczema issues and it works great.

  5. Alot of people are commenting and asking about the smell. The soap has a very clean smell to it but once you was the clothes there really is no smell at all. Alot of people suggest adding your favorite essential oils (15 to 20 drops depending on how strong you like per batch of detergent).
